
Azure is Microsoft’s Infrastructure as a services (IaaS) Web hosting services. Window Azure Platform becomes a Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering. Hence, you may run into some people calling azure as an infrastructure service and others calling it a platform; in context, both are correct. Compared to Amazon’s and google cloud service. Azure (the service) is a competitor to AWS Windows Azure Platform is a competitor to Google’s App Engine.

By contrast, Microsoft is creating the Azure platform. It enables .NET Framework applications to run over the Internet as an alternate platform for Microsoft developer software running on desktop.

The Azure Platform :

The Azure window Services platform API uses the industry standard RESR, HTTP, and XMl protocols that are the part of any Service Oriented Architecture cloud infrastructure to allow applications to talk to Azure. Developers can install a client-side managed class library that contains functions that make calls to the Azure Window services Platform API as part of their applications. These API functions have been added to Microsoft Visual Studio as part of Microsoft’s Integrated Development Environment (IDE). There are plans to add IPsec connectivity to Azure in the near future. IPsec refers to the Internet Protocol Security Protocol suite for creating a secure Internet connection between two endpoints . IPsec provides for authenticated and communication using session-based negotiation and the exchange of cryptographic keys to enable encrypted communication to be sent and decrypted. IPsec is an IETF standard that is in wide use.

The Azure Service Platform hosts runtime version of .NET Framework applications written in any of the language in common use, such as Visual Basic, C++, C#, Java, and any application that has been complied for .NET’s Common Language Runtime (CLR). Azure also can deploy Web-based application built with ASP.NET, the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), and PHP, and it supports Microsoft’s automated deployment technologies. Microsoft also has released SDKs for both Java and Ruby to allow applications written in those languages to place calls to the Azure Service Platform API to the AppFabric Service.

The Window Azure service :

 Window Azure is virtualized window infrastructure run by Microsoft on a set of data centers around in the world.

Six main element are part of Window Azure:

· Application : This is the run time of the application that is running in the cloud.


· Compute : This is the load-balancing Windows server computation and policy engine that allows you to create and manage virtual machines that serve either in a Web role and a worker role.


·  Storage : This is a non-relational storage system for large scale storage.


·  Fabric : This is the Window Azure Hypervisor, which is a version of Hyper-V that run on window Server 2008.


·  Config : This is a management service.


· Virtual machines : These are instances of windows that run the applications and services that are part of a particular deployment

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