Roles of Digital Transformation expert

Digital Transform Consultants (DTC) is analyzing the technical infrastructure of the company, processes, people and organization both in order to strengthen the organization's operations temporarily and sustain long-term development.

Digital transformation advisors assist businesses in their digital transformation efforts. ... Digital Consultants first work to understand the business, carefully considering its strategic and technical objectives. They will then suggest solutions and generally assist in implementing company decisions.

Four main areas of digital transformation?

Business process

Process transformation change An important focus of organizational operations has been on business processes. Data, analytics, APIs, machine learning and other technologies provide companies with important new ways to streamline processes across the company - with the goal of reducing costs, reducing cycle times, or increasing quality. We are witnessing a process change at the mall floor where companies like Airbus have made headlights to reinforce the quality of human flight testing.


Business Model

Business Model Modification Some companies are pursuing digital technology to transform traditional business models. While the process change focuses on the complete business environment, the transformation of the business model is aimed at the basic building blocks of how it is presented in the industry. Examples of this kind of innovation are well known, from the redesign of Netflix for video distribution, to Apple's re-introduction of music services (Tunes), to Uber's resurgence in the taxi industry.


Business Domain

Domain Conversion is an area where we see surprisingly little focus - but the biggest opportunity is domain conversion. New technologies are products and services that redefine, industrial boundaries that blur and create a new set of non-traditional competitors. What most executives do not appreciate is the real opportunity for this new technology to open new companies for their companies in addition to the current markets. And often, this is the kind of conversion that offers the best opportunities to make new value.


Business Cultural/Organization

Cultural / Organizational Transformation Full, long-term digital transformation needs to clarify the organization's mindsets, processes, and talent and skills in the digital world. The most successful companies recognize that digital requires creative workflow, tendency to experiment and learn, respectable decision-making, and greater confidence in business processes. And they are taking proactive steps to bring about change in their organizations. The experience, a consumer credit agency and one of the most successful digital transformation, transformed its organization by integrating development and cohesion into its use and shifting its core focus of employees from machine to data, across the company. Similarly, Pitney Bowes, a 100-year postal machine company, made a successful transition to becoming a "technology company" by promoting "innovation culture," according to its head of innovation, and by changing company values ​​to focus on customer-first.





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