HTML5 is the 5th version of HTML and is a core technology markup language that is used for presenting the content for www.

There are some updates also, HTML5 have canvas, introduction of audio and video, application cache, web SQL database, web storage is used.

HTML 5 contain the new browser have started supporting its specifications. Some of the browser include mozilla firefox, chrome, opera, etc.

HTML-5 <canvas> provides an easy and powerful option to draw graphics using JavaScript. It can be used to draw graphs, make photo compositions, or do simple animations.

Here is a simple <canvas> element having only two specific attributes width and height plus all the core HTML-5 attributes like id, name, and class.


The syntax of HTML canvas tag is given below. You have to mention the name of the canvas inside double quotations (“ ”).

<canvas id="mycanvas" width="100" height="100"></canvas>

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