The Race for Quantum Supremacy: 7 Reasons Why People Are so Excited about Quantum Computers?

In the fall of last year, you may have seen a few articles floating around the internet announcing Google has achieved quantum supremacy. Though the term quantum supremacy sounds like the title you receive after going on a ten-person killstreak during a sci-fi multi-player campaign, the idea of Google reaching quantum supremacy is, and was, massive development in the world of quantum computing.

For the uninitiated, quantum supremacy is a term used in the world of quantum computing describing the moment when a programmable quantum device can solve a problem that no classical computer can feasibly solve. 

Well, today you are in luck. We are going to highlight some of the biggest reasons why people are so excited by quantum computing and how this emerging technology will go on to shape your life very shortly. These are some pointer you must go through.

1. Quantum computing is based on "spooky" science 

As you probably guessed, quantum computing looks to the quantum world to function, driven by two principles of quantum mechanics superposition and entanglement. Superposition can be a little counterintuitive but bear with us.

In short, superposition refers to the quantum phenomenon where a quantum system can exist in multiple states or places at the same time. In other words, something can be "here" and "there," or "up" and "down" at the same time. Think of it as having a computer system that can be both 1 and 0 at the same time. This principle lays the framework for a quantum computer's basic component of information, a qubit.

2. Quantum computers can "hold uncertainty" in their head

For example, imagine you asked both a quantum computer and a classical computer to figure out how to get out of a maze. The traditional computer would try every single branch, ruling out all the paths until it finds its way out via the right track. While a quantum computer will try all routes at once. A quantum computer can "hold uncertainty in its head." Quantum computers will be used to tackle some of the most significant issues in the world, ranging from artificial intelligence to healthcare. Are you excited yet?

3. Quantum computing will help us usher in the age of artificial intelligence

Quantum computing will offer the developing world of artificial intelligence more computing power, which in turn will lead to more robust AI systems that can better understand us, "think for themselves," offer more efficient machine learning and better solve small and large problems. Quantum computing may be the push that we need to get beyond narrow AI. 

4. We will have better cybersecurity 

The basis of online security is dependent on the factoring of large numbers into primes. As we mentioned above, quantum computers are excellent at this. However, the eventual widespread adoption of quantum computers will ultimately make our encryption methods obsolete. Quantum computers could become a severe threat in the wrong hands.  

5. Quantum computers are already being used to develop exciting new technologies

Will you get your hands on a quantum device? Or some new Apple Quantum computer? Most likely not. Quantum computing will be used by tech companies, organizations, R&D, financial institutions, etc. Even more so, there are companies right now that are using quantum computers. Even Google is currently using them to improve the software found in autonomous vehicles and to better model chemical reactions.

6. Weather forecasts will be much more accurate

Weather forecasting is very accurate but still has its flaws. Accurately predicting the weather goes far beyond just having to bring an umbrella for the day. Weather can directly impact the growth and functionality of an economy.

7. Quantum computing will help us create better life-saving drugs 

As mentioned above, one of the most significant appeals of quantum computing is its ability to analyze countless situations at the same time to provide a solution. Active drug research requires chemists to evaluate the interactions between molecules, proteins, and chemicals to see if medicines will improve certain conditions or cure diseases.

To The Future 

There are a lot of reasons why people should be excited about quantum computing. However, do not expect to see the technology hanging around your household. The effects of quantum computing will be felt by improving the quality of life for people around the world through the creation of better technologies. Should you be excited? Of course. Because that is the future of technology.


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