We are living in the 21st Century. Among us, Many people surrounded by 24×7 computer's work. There are many important aspects and devices in the sector of computer. So, to explore about one of the most important component in Information Technology as well as in the perspective of Digital marketing, the EMBEDDED SYSTEM. Here we are!


         Embedded system is a computer device and have a functionality of computing device which is integrated into it to fulfill user requirements. Embedded system is a combination of hardware and software system to operate various performance.



          Now, the technical definition of embedded system is -An embedded system is a computer program - a combination of computer processor, computer memory, and input / output devices - with a dedicated function within a large mechanical or electrical system. 

             Embedded system is nothing  but the small computer which are always available in your pocket and can do all the operations which are computer performance. Embedded system may or may not be programmable depending on the application.


Embedded system mostly found in electronics devices. A lot of embedded systems are created with time constraints in mind. Embedded system is one device which are develop as per users needs. Embedded system uses hardware and software so that it perform the task or operations. Although modern complex embedded systems may come with a user interface, in general, they possess either no UI or just a minimal UI. Embedded systems use different underlying software that cannot be modified by consumers. Embedded system are very useful in our daily life.Usually embedded systems are installed that are expected to be displayed every year without errors, and in some cases recover by themselves in the event of an error.In industry embedded system work as a software and also hardware and have various applications in electronics feild. Embedded systems are usually feedback oriented or reactive.All Embedded System are single function. i.e have single objective.


·       Vehicle Tracking

·       microwave ovens

·       washing machines

·       Vehicle Tracking

·       Traffic Signal Control System

·       Street Light Control

·       Home Automation System

·       Industrial Temperature Control

·       Automatic Bell System for Institutions

·       MP3 players,

·       mobile phones

·       video game consoles

·       digital cameras,

·       GPS receiver

·       Printers

This all are the electronic devices where embedded system are used. And there is a lot more applications of embedded system in the world.


In our blog, We explained about What is embedded system and it's uses in our daily to day life. By our point of view, In future Embedded system will become a daily need of for every person.