What Are The Different Types Of AI?

Superficially, most of us understand what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is, what it stands for, it's potential and future it has for us. We have been dreaming of a machine-dominated world for a long time now and we are definitely heading toward it. But right now, what is happening in the field of AI is phenomenal change, something we should pause and cherish for a while it's there. If you are interested in artificial intelligence and how it functions, you need to understand the driving force behind it – machine learning and deep learning – some other theoretical concepts and their practical applications. This article will introduce you to some of the different types of AIs in laymen terms.

Reactive Artificial Intelligence

These are the first circle of artificially intelligent machines that literally go by the term carpe diem. Machines and systems based on this type of AI neither have a concept of the past, historic data and inferences from it nor the ability to conceive a future. Such machines work on the present, a scenario or a task that is right in front of them. The system did not know how to look at the bigger picture of chess piece sacrifices nor strategic thinking skills system. All it knew was choosing the most appropriate one from the list of available depending on the board of study. You could say such systems are sometimes like us in a restaurant but not hungry.

Theory of Mind AI

This is more on the side of books and science fiction movies, where we talk about artificially intelligent and advanced systems that can perceive the concept of emotions and people and change their behaviour accordingly to need of its emotions. Though such systems have not been completely developed until now, we are making significant advancements in coming up with machines that can recognize our face and eye movements and modify their acts accordingly as it also reflects the change.

Limited Memory AI

As the name suggests the memory in such systems is short-lived or stored. Such systems can go back to their past for a short time and learn from it and improve. This concept is beautifully incorporated in self-driving cars, where the sensors detect instances of a pedestrian crossing, bad road conditions, weather, incoming vehicle, lane detection, traffic lights and more to make smarter driving decisions in it. This technology has been key in helping autonomous cars avoid accidents.

Self-Aware AI

While it is easy to debate on whether as humans we have attained self-awareness, this type of artificial intelligence is still a probability and has the potential for real-world application. In this type of artificial intelligence, machines or robots are aware of who they are, understand their internal traits, states and conditions and even perceive human emotions. Self-aware artificial intelligence is an extension of the Theory of Mind class of artificial intelligence. Hypothetically, if you are in a movie theatre and you cut the line a self-aware robot is standing, you could make him or her angry and react.

Though the day’s self-aware robots and intelligent systems would hit the market and earth are still far away, disruptive technological advancements may bring them anytime sooner. You never know. Ten years back, who would have thought you could have the entire world covered in your palm? Now, don’t we all have a piece of everyone’s life in us? Self-aware much you feel?

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